Tuesday 1 March 2016

in this lesson I have achieved
A post to explain what is the purpose of this blog, and the different kinds of media that could be featured like Digital graphics and Photographic work and things like Animation, Animated GIFs, Video work and Video games.

this is Matty is blogger he's one of my class mate and his blogger is about sports.
this gives me few ideas for what i can put in my blog.
this is Jordan is blogger and his is about different media. this one the it has different things on it inspires me to add more to my blogger.

this is Leighton pool is blogger and his is about his YouTube channel. the way his is about his you channel is really inspiring to add my YouTube to mine and make it about it.

Thursday 11 February 2016


I thought everyone is comments was really helpfully and nice they said that they didn't see the health and safety poster and there were right so i got one up now.

I thought everything went really well in multimedia i enjoyed the the music editing and all the other stuff we covered in it has been really fun.

things could have went well if i put up my health and safety poster up back when everyone did it.

·         i have Shawn my research.
·         i have the purpose of the blog explained.
·         i have Health and Safety issues discussed in my blog.
·         i did  the blog shown a wide range of different media
·         i have explained in each post how all different media has been uploaded to my blog
·         i have confirmed that everything required for the blog project has been fully completed

i have read through the comment on my blog from your peers. Discuss how i feel about this feedback and how they think i could have improved the work you have produced
Health and safety

Thursday 4 February 2016

I think i have archived everything i need for this unit. blogger is complete.

digital audio

This is a digital audio i mad using audacity and uploaded through sound cloud.
  1.  set up audacity
  2. show basic waveform editing
  3. apply effects